Entrepreneur Soundoff!

37-FIVE FACTS Every Vet Should Know About Gov't Contracting

Randy Wimmer

FIVE FACTS that every veteran should know about Government Contracting:
FACT 1.  A MASSIVE amount of spending occurs each year in areas that are  most relevant to Veterans’ experiences (DoD, Intel Community, DHS, VA, DoE and DoS)
FACT 2.The Small Business Set Aside Program of 23% of all GovCon dollars being awarded to small businesses is being EXCEEDED! The FY2020 SBA Scorecard reports small businesses were awarded:
a.$145B in PRIME contracts
b.$83B in SUB contracts
FACT 3.However, over HALF of the 24 Government organizations that fall under the purview of Small Business Set Aside Program FAILED to meet their SDVOSB Earmarks in 2020!  That means that earmarks were LEFT ON THE TABLE because easily identifiable QUALIFED SDVOSBs could not be found! 
a.14 failed to meet their SDVOSB Subcontracting Goal because Prime contractors could not find appropriately qualified SDVOSBs
b.5 failed to meet their SDVOSB Prime Goal
FACT 4.Only 5% of US Companies are pursuing FedGov Contracts…Why?  The FedGov contracting industry is “different” than most markets…HOWEVER VETERANS ARE NATURALLY AHEAD OF NON-Veterans in understanding this industry!  Here’s why…
FACT 5. As a Veteran,  you possess the following to position yourself to win a piece of the GovCon pie:
a.The MOST RELEVANT education and training in the world
b.5-25 years of the MOST RELEVANT industry experience in the world
c.5-25 years of the MOST RELEVANT leadership experience in the world
d.And, the people that you’re speaking with now…The MOST RELEVANT network in the world

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