As you get towards the end of your bid effort, companies often realize that they don’t have enough space to fit everything they want to convey. Learn how to make the most of your proposal’s real estate from the get-go so that you don’t have to cut content!
Make sure you understand and read Section L and Section M of the RFP going into your proposal writing effort to make sure you’ll have enough space!
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As you get towards the end of your bid effort, companies often realize that they don’t have enough space to fit everything they want to convey. Learn how to make the most of your proposal’s real estate from the get-go so that you don’t have to cut content!
Make sure you understand and read Section L and Section M of the RFP going into your proposal writing effort to make sure you’ll have enough space!
To get on the fast track to government contracting success, visit our website at:
Follow us on other platforms to stay up to date on the latest GovCon tips and tricks:
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